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entradas con palabra clave: arquitectura | volver

Esprit de vérité

The School of Architecture of Valencia (ETSAV) hosts from November 18th until December 4th the exhibition Esprit de Vérité: The look OF (and ON) Le Corbusier.
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Trogir motel

Architecture does not lag behind in depicting reality, as can all the other arts. In our life’s rhythm a motel is a notion, a detail, a point revealing the rhythm of modern life. The architect Ivan Vitić did not ignore this colour of our time.
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Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

Impossible to do the work of each of us separately, we learned how to collaborate defending different points of view and an architectural expression of extreme simplicity, refined and precise that it could provide a platform of understanding: formal continence, domain of the scale and volumetric, spatial and structural articulation immediately reading.
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Future primitive

The act of creating one object is connected to the act of reimagining the whole world. (Sou Fujimoto) Primitive future
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Rogelio Salmona and Le Corbusier

To do architecture, is to revive elements that already exist: not about inventing the courts, the drainpipes, the vaults and roofs, the walls, the openings and the transparencies, the hall, the gallery and the squares. To do architecture is to have a tacit agreement with the history, since every work prepares the next; it is the result of a hard practice in search of essentials. On June 30, 2015 was held at the School of Architecture of Valencia the reading of the PhD thesis Rogelio Samona and Le Corbusier: on the permeability of doing, by the Professor of Architectural Projects Clara Elena Mejia Vallejo. Rogelio Salmona texts
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