The secret language of film (1994)

Caterpillar’s body already contains all cells, all colours of the butterfly, is its potentiality. But it cannot fly. Jean-Claude Carrière read more
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The architect Stanley Kubrick. Frank Alexander house.

Stanley Kubrick uses two different houses, the Jaffe House of the TEAM 4 and the New House of Roy Stout and Patrick Litchfield, for the shooting of one of the most impressive sequences of A Clockwork Orange, the domestic assault of the writer Frank Alexander and his wife.
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The price for the best feature film at the 20th film festival AVANCA 2016 has been awarded to the film Enclave of the Serbian filmmaker Goran Radovanovic, also awarded in 2011 with the same price.
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François Truffaut In Lisbon. La Peau Douce (1964)

François Truffaut films in Lisbon the beginning of La Peau Douce (1964). It’s analysed here the possibility of a graphic reconstruction of the Lisbon fragment sets, exclusively through movie images. (Abstract of the paper presented at the International Conference AVANCA CINEMA 2016 July 28th)
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Jean Cocteau in Les Carrières de Lumières

The privilege of the cinema is that it allows many people to dream the same dream together showing us, in addition, with the rigor of realism, the phantoms of unreality. In short, it is an admirable poetry vehicle.
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MAE+CINE: Architecture behind the screen
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Petit Pierre

Pierre Avezard, illiterate suffering serious illnesses since birth, spent forty years of his life to retrieve useless material from dumping sites for building a dream, with the only help of his hands: a huge and magical animated installation that today it is possible to visit at La Fabuloserie museum.
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Art, taste and judgement (2008)

The aesthetic pleasure mobilizes knowledge instruments, the imagination, and the understanding, and is linked to the recognition of the form; in other words, it involves an aesthetic judgment. read more
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Viola’s comission

"Fue el 15 de Junio de 1767 cuando Cosimo Piovasco di Rondó, mi hermano, se sentó por última vez entre nosotros. Lo recuerdo como si fuera hoy. Estábamos en el comedor de nuestra villa de Ombrosa, las ventanas enmarcaban las tupidas ramas del gran acebo del parque. Era mediodía, y nuestra familia, siguiendo una antigua tradición, se sentaba a la mesa a esa hora, pese a que ya cundía entre los nobles la moda, llegada de la poca madrugadora Corte de Francia, de almorzar a media tarde. Soplaba un viento del mar, recuerdo, y se movían las hojas." Selección de trabajos de estudiantes del Taller 5 de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Valencia, resolviendo un encargo realizado por Viola, la hermana de Cósimo. (Curso 2014-2015)
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the architecture of Karl Blossfeldt

The plant may be described as an architectural structure, shaped and designed ornamentally and objectively. Compelled in its fight for existence to build in a purposeful manner, it constructs the necessary, practical units for its advancement, governed by the laws familiar to every architect, and combines practicality and expediency in the highest form of art.
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