El artículo analiza cómo relata Wim Wenders la ciudad dividida en su película El cielo sobre Berlín (1987), estudiando qué mirada ejerce sobre el límite que construye la coexistencia forzada de dos ciudades, cómo nos traslada la realidad de una ciudad dividida por una frontera física e ideológica, qué localizaciones de la ciudad selecciona, qué actores escoge como vehículo para narrar su historia, y qué relaciones mantienen los mismos con el espacio urbano
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El cine y la arquitectura comparten una historia de encuentros. El séptimo arte ha necesitado de la arquitectura, del marco construido, como telón de fondo de las acciones desarrolladas en la pantalla. El cine ha permitido establecer una mirada diferente sobre el territorio artificialmente construido en el que los hombres habitamos, una mirada subjetiva, intencionada y distante. El diccionario aborda la posibilidad de diseccionar intencionadamente el trabajo del arquitecto y del cineasta mediante un posible conjunto de términos comunes.
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René Magritte published « Les mots et les images » in 1929. The architecture in his paintings and his cinematographic experiences are inspired by this hieroglyphic of multiple readings.
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La obra Consuelo de la filosofía [Boecio, 523] plantea un diálogo entre el autor y Filosofía, un personaje alegórico femenino al que Boecio increpa e interroga, intentando obtener respuestas sobre el incomprensible destino humano, la imposibilidad de conseguir una felicidad permanente, la fortuna y los bienes que ésta acarrea y la injusticia humana, por la cual los justos son castigados y los injustos obtienen recompensas terrenales.
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This text was born as a personal commentary to a rich two-way dialogue established between the writer Haruki Murakami and the musician Seiji Ozawa in their book Absolutely on Music. Conversations. Along the way, some more interlocutors fictitiously joined the conversation.
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I don't know if I'll know how to explain it well. More than a reason is an instinct. It is an impulse, which makes you want to learn, to know with anger. I think that without this point of irritation, of intransigence, of hate, there is no learning.
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If we knew something about what we were going to write, before we did it, before writing, we would never write. It would not be worth it. To write is to try to know what one would write if one wrote - one knows it only after - before, it is the most dangerous question that one can ask oneself. But it's the most common too. The writing happens like the wind, it's naked, it's ink, it's written and it goes like nothing else in life, nothing more, except it, the life.
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If the usefulness of the useless, the uselessness of the useful, is not understood, art is not understood. [Eugène Ionesco]
The professor of Italian Literature Nuccio Ordine collects, orders and comments on his interesting book "The usefulness of the useless. Manifesto "a set of texts by various thinkers about the usefulness of all those knowledge whose essential value is, precisely, to be unconnected to any utilitarian purpose. A very interesting book.
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The compound of two left halves of a face can be curious, but not exciting. The symmetry could be described as axial equilibrium, but the most stimulating balance is the asymmetric one. That is, the balance of a kilo of feathers and a kilo of lead. The volume differs, but the weighing scales shows balance.
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